BME 479/579 – Biofabrication & Medical Devices  

This course will cover materials design and modern manufacturing methods This course will cover materials design and modern manufacturing methods for biofabricated tissues and medical devices (with a particular emphasis on bioelectronic devices). Topics will include additive manufacturing and their materials requirements along with how these methods have evolved to use biomaterials and cells, such as bioprinting. State-of-the-art in vitro and implantable devices for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes will be discussed with emphasis on how their properties have advanced from developments in materials and manufacturing. Lecture material and assignments will draw from both current market devices and the clinical standard-of-care as well as ongoing research and recent scientific literature. All students will be placed on a waitlist. Registration will be split between undergraduate and graduate students. Prerequisite: BME 523 Biomaterials Science or equivalent biomaterials or materials science introductory course.

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